Ancient civilizations

 Harappan Civilization - BC 3250 - BC 2750. Mesopotamian Civilization - BC. 3500 - BC 1000.

 Nile Civilization - BC 4000 - BC 500.

 • Yellow River Civilization (a) Huango River Civilization 3500 - BC. 3000. BC.

 Egyptian (a) Nile civilization.

 The Greek historian describes Egyptian civilization as 'the gift of the Nile'. Egypt is known as the 'Daughter of the Nile'.

 The Egyptian kings were called 'Pharaohs'. 'Menus' who put Gibb together.

 The Egyptian people believed that the kings of Egypt descended from the sun god. His body was preserved even after the king's death.It’s called ‘Mommy’. Egyptian Mummies: Processed Dead Body 'Mummy'

 Called. It was the custom of the Egyptians to preserve the bodies of the dead with a mixture of sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate. After 40 days, after the salt has absorbed all the moisture from the body, the body is filled with sawdust, wrapped around with pieces of 'linen', and stored in a stone coffin called a sarcobacus.

 Papyrus: The word papyrus comes from the name of the plant 'papyrus'. The Egyptians made sheets from the plant stalk of papyrus. This plant grows abundantly in the Nile Valley.

 The most famous of the Egyptian kings was Tadmos I.And the third Thadmos, Thatmos III was called 'Napoleon of Egypt'. The Egyptians worshiped many gods. They worshiped the sun-god Amon or Ra and the gods Osiris, Horace and Aisis.

 The largest kise is the pharaoh's tomb at Kubu 481 feet 'sphinx' with human head and lion body Tall. Is the statue of the imaginary animal.

'Sphinx' is a statue of an imaginary animal with a human head and a lion's body.

 8 Greek historian Herodotus at Pharaoh's Pyramid at Giza 30,000

 11. Says it was built in 20 years by employees. This is URA'S Is one of the Seven Wonders of the World. The pillar of the temple at Karnak is 170 feet long and 138 feet wide.

 The writing of the ancient Egyptians was 'hieroglyphics'. They first followed the pictorial characters. The Book of the Dead and the Coffin Text are important Egyptian literature.

 Made from spices and sandalwood from India.

 They calculated the days with the flooding of the Nile and determined the year with 365 days. The Egyptians knew mathematical methods such as astronomy, anatomy, fractions, cartography, addition, subtraction, division, geometry, etc.

Papyrus, Write Ink Etc. To write Used. Used the reed as a pen. Civilizations Mesopotamian civilization This civilization included Sumeria, Babylonia, and Assyria.

 I Euphrates appeared on the banks of the Tigris River. The region is currently Iraq. 2760 km The longest is the Euphrates River. 2000 km The longest is the Tigris River.

 B Fertile Crescent as the crescent-shaped land between the two rivers',

 Called. It is believed that the garden of Eden mentioned in the Bible was here. Sumerian means 'black heads' and 'Sumer' is their primary city government. The area was ruled by the clergy of Pasi. SUR

 Nu Ur, Larza, Iri, and Ammon are their other cities Governments Captured.

 Their empire was founded by the Agadian king Sargon I in Babylon by the Amorite king Sumuabu.

 Hammurabi also gained prominence among the Amorite kings. This period was known as the 'Golden Age of Mesopotamia'.

 The Assyrians, who later conquered Mesopotamia, were seen as cruel.

Nebuchadnezzar was considered one of the proudest Chaldean kings to succeed him. He is the 'hanging garden' of one of the wonders of the world Created.

 Peasants, workers, slaves in Sumerian civilization. There were three divisions of.Women were treated highly. The temples became centers of learning.

 They had trade relations with the people of the Indus Valley and the civilization of the Nile. * The first barter system of trade was Babylonian

 Followed. The Sumerians introduced the wedge-shaped letters "cuneiform". More than 350 characters were used.BC Mummies from 2000-year-old Egyptian tombs have been found wrapped in Indian muslin. It is thin enough to hold 50 meters of muslin in a matchbox.
They wrote on the clay board, dried it, and sealed it with fire. Their writing was from right to left.
 Astronomy, ‘Gilgamesh’ is a gallium very medical Famous. More progress Had reached.

 Calculated the period by the asterisk. Divide the circle into 360 (60 × 60) parts, 12 months, 7 days a week, 365 days.

 Made a year according to the lunar calendar. The tallest tower, Sigurat, was a research laboratory that explored planets such as Mars, Jupiter, and Venus.

'Naburu' and 'Kidinnu' are the best Saltian astronomers. - 'Hexa decimal' based on 60

 Invented the method. They also worshiped the gods 'Maduk' and 'Nancy'. - Worshiped the deities Shama, Nannar and Tammus. - The mother of all gods is the deity 'Istar'. - Their law, property law, family, business, Explanation for all such as interest rate, offenses Gives.

 The 285 frame frame is engraved in wedge in 2.5 meter high black stone. The frame is inscribed in Semitic language at Amorides, a scene from Hammurabi, derived from the Sun God. 2 The tower 'Babel' built by them is a miracle Is said.

 Chinese Civilization (a) Huangko River Civilization The Huangko River is known as the 'Yellow River'. This river is also known as ‘China’s tragedy’. This civilization is located on the banks of the Huangko and Yang Si-Qiang rivers Formed.
 'Poochi' was the first notable king of China. BC 1766 to BC. The Shang dynasty ruled until 1122. In the 'Chou' dynasty that followed them, King 'Wuang' ruled neatly with many reforms.

 The period of the 'Glerom' dynasty is called "China. ”
The 'Federal Age' was a tyrannical period after the Chow Dynasty. Shihiwang Di, the king of the Qin Dynasty, was a landlord

 Brought an end to domination. He created the 'Great Wall of China', one of the wonders of the world. Chinese by thinkers such as Confucius and Laotz People were impressed.

 The freedom and rights of women were denied.The clergy were influential.
Officers were selected from the ‘Mandarin’ category. Famous items of China - silk, ceramics, tea, firecrackers.

 Chinese Civilization - Rulers Shang Dynasty - BCE 1300 செள வம்சம் - பொ.ஆ.மு. 600
 Akkad City: Akkad was later called 'Babylon'. It is the business of West Asia and

‘Pantheon’ is a Roman temple of art. 'Bombay' - was the best architect. I Romans, Greece of creation
 Despite the impact
 They had their own writing patterns. Latin is their language. Livy - author of Roman history.

 Toxicity - Author of the book 'Traditions and History'. Virgil - author of a poetic epic. Cicero - Versatile scholar. Seneca, Platus, Terins - Roman playwrights. Marcus Aurelius, Antonis - Philosophers.

 The book 'Meditations' by Marcus Aurelius is considered the best book on Stoic philosophy SURE Senior Pliny Written by 'Natural History' is a book of facts.


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