Emergence of Empires Topic TNUSRB English Medium Important Question

Emergence of Empires
Maha JanapadasbNew at the end of the Vedic period A bountiful harvest

 Small Aryan kingdoms fought among themselves for land and mineral resources.

Condana Inclusive Janapadas are Mahajanapadas Many were created. As a larger system During the Buddha's lifetime Sixteen Mahajanapadas prevailed in North India.  Hereditary monarchies like Kosala, Avanti, Vatsam and Magadam are the strongest of the Mahajanapadas.

 The term 'Gana' refers to people of equal social status.  'Sanga' means 'forum'.  is the subject.  'Ganasangas' were ruled by a group of upland people in a small patch of land.  These followed egalitarian traditions.
 Bimbisarar - Ajatasatru

 • The area around Patna in the present Bihar state was called Magadam.

 • Its capital was first the city of Siravasti and then the city of 'Rajakrigam' and finally Pataliputra. There were also cities.  * Bimbisara's son Ajatasatru in prison with his father

 He seized power.  Ajatasatruve in Padaliputra.  The set up

 The great fort

 In a monarchy, when a family rules for a long time, it becomes a royal dynasty.  These states followed Vedic Vedic traditions.

 Chikanaga - Mahapadmanandan • Overthrew the Arianga dynasty,

 • For children After Chikanagar took over.  Nanda dynastyThey came.  They crossed the Vindhya Hills to rule the Deccan They also captured areas.  The emperors of the Nanda dynasty admired Jainism.

16 Mahajanapadas: Angam, Magadam, Vajji, Kashi, Mallam, Guru, Kosalam, Avanti, Sethi, Vatsam, Panjalam, Matsayam, Surasenam, Asmagam, Gandharam and Kambojam.

Mauryan Empire Chandragupta Maurya (324 -299 BC)

 • Chandragupta of the Maurya dynasty ruled the Magadha empire after rebelling against the Nanda king Dhanananda and winning the war.

 Before conquering the conquered West Indies 8 by the Greeks under Alexander

 - Merged with Rauriya Empire.  He defeated the Greek king Seleucus Nicador, who was invading against this, and annexed areas like Afghanistan and Gandhara to his empire.

 A Greek scholar named Megasthenes, the ambassador of Seleucus, stayed in Pataliputra for many years and wrote a book about India called Indica.

 According to Jain scriptures, Chandragupta Maurya converted to Jainism, abdicated the throne and went to South India with sage Pathirabaku.

 Pataliputra: The great capital of the Mauryan Empire Pataliputra has 64 entrance gates and 570 vigils There were also towers.

 Ashoka (273–236 BC) Chandragupta Maurya was succeeded by his son Bindusara 25 He ruled for years.

He was succeeded by Ashoka, one of the eleventh sonsHe became the Maurya emperor.  For the first four years he opposed becoming the king Spent suppressing the rebellions of the brothers.  B then invaded Kalinga, which broke away from the Mauryan Empire eight years later Mauryat retook Kalinga after a fierce battle He joined the empire.

'Ashoka is like a bright star to this day

 Shining" - H.G. Wells (historian) Ashoka's Dharma Visit hated (His incessant campaign to promote dharma among the Mughals) by invading and conquering The journeys are referred to as dharma vijayam.  Ashoka spread his dharma among people.  First People's Welfare Government in India (Welfare State) created by Ashoka.

 Lion Face Pillar: The lion figures on the top of Ashoka's pillar in Sarnath are the national symbol of India and the wheel at the circular base is the central wheel of the Indian national flag have been taken.

 Ashoka and Buddhism are Buddhism  Efforts to spread religion Many carried out  Kapilavastu, Saranath, Bodhgaya Bhon built and expanded the Buddhist monuments.  Ashoka convened the Third Buddhist Council at Pataliputra.

Through Ashoka's efforts, Buddhism blossomed into a world.


 Script in Ashoka Inscriptions: Sanchi - Brahmi, Kandahar - Kharosthi Greek and Aramaic, Northwest RegionsAshoka's work of art

 The oldest monuments, inscriptions, stupas and pillars found in India after the Indus Valley Civilization belong to it.  to the time of Ashoka

  The beautiful and gigantic Buddhist stupas found in places like Sanchi, Sarnath, and Lumbini amaze the onlookers.  Mauryan Empire - Evidence :

 Archeological Evidence – Stamped Coins Inscriptions – Inscriptions of Ashoka, Julagat Inscription.  Secular Literature - Kautilya's Arthasastra

 Visakhatatta's Mudraraksha, Mamulanar's Agananurtu songs Religious literature – Jain, Buddhist texts, Puranas Foreign evidence – Deepavamsa, Mahavamsa, Indika.

 Inscription of Ashoka "I fought for eight years and conquered Kalinga. One lakh died. One and a half lakh fled the country. The effects of war affect all people. This pained me greatly. I accepted that following Dharma is better than war" Ashoka.

Megasthenes: Ambassador of the Greek ruler Seleucus Niger to the court of Chandragupta Merior.  He was in India for 14 years.  Among the important evidences that help us to know about the Mauryan Empire, he wrote |  'Indica' is one of them.

 Inscriptions of Asoka of boulders on the walls and pillars of caves Ashoka's decrees on are engraved.  Most of the i inscriptions Prakrit' Instructions are written.  In the North West Frontier region And In Afghanistan areas

 Beliefs and ideas are inscribed in the inscriptions in the 'Karosthi' script and the 'Greek' script.  humanitarian Ashoka's war-fighting, In language

 Sudarsana Lake: The Junagadh / Kirnar inscription of Rudrathaman records the creation of a body of water called 'Sudarsana Lake'.  The work on this was started during the period of Chandragupta Maurya and was completed during the period of Ashoka.

 Mauryan rule that of The high officials of the Mahamatras were the officers and governors of the states.

The Indica by Megasthenes says that Pataliputra was built by a city council of 30 people.  They were divided into six groups of 5 and each group assumed a specific responsibility and ruled.

 Nalanda: Nalanda was a Buddhist monastery in the ancient Magadha country.  It became very famous during the Gupta period.  Nalanda is formed by combining three Sanskrit words na+alam+tha.  It means `the giver of eternal knowledge'.

 Yaksha: *God associated with water, fertility, trees, forests, jungle environment.  Yakshi: The female form of Yaksha

 Sanchi Stupi : Lomas to Bhopal, the state capital of Madhya Pradesh Located nearby.Rishi Cave Paras located.


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