TNUSRB Politics Important Questions English Medium

India is multi-religious, multi-cultural and multi-cultural


 It is a country of beliefs.  It is the birthplace of four major religions: Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism and Sikhism.  Rajaram Mohan Roy, Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, Rabindranath Tagore, Mahatma Gandhi and B.R.  Ambedkar etc. the secularism of various levels of Indian society have established

 The word 'Secularism' is derived from the Latin word Saeculum.  It means an age or the spirit of an age.  English journalist George Jacob Holyoke coined the term 'Secularism'.

 Principle and Theory of Secularism Secularism is a tolerant attitude towards other religions and an attitude of peaceful coexistence with citizens of different faiths.  It's all Neutrality of the state with religion and communities and represents the principle of equality.  Secularism is the doctrine of separation of state and religion.  It is the principle that the state does not interfere in religious affairs and religion does not interfere in the activities of the state.

 It means that every citizen is free according to his conscience to propagate, practice and profess his faith in religion, to change or to remain without faith.

 5 Atheism: Lack of faith in God. Secularism: State or religion is one of the other Non-interference in affairs.Atheism: Lack of belief in God 

Secularism: Non-interference in government or religious affairs. of the other Objectives of Secularism Non-dominance of one religious group over another religious group.

 Non-dominance of some members of a religion over other members of the same religion.

 The government follows any particular religion Non-emphasis (a) Freedom of religion of individuals Non-interference.

"Time has not taught us enmity, we are all Indians and India is our home" - Poet Iqbal

 Characteristics of a secular country

 Doctrine of Freedom: Government permits the practice of any religion.  Principle of Equality: The state is equal to any others Not prioritizing more.  Principle of Neutrality: State neutrality in religious matters having

 Ashoka's 12th Rock Throne states that he would not charge against any religious sect in BC.  Ashoka was the first emperor to announce it in the 3rd century AD.  In his 12th Rock Edict he appealed to his people to treat all religions with tolerance and respect.

 Importance of Secularism It is necessary to maintain peace and harmony among people of different religious tenets.  Only a secular country can provide equal rights to all religions.

 Mughal Emperor Akbar followed the policy of religious tolerance.  His 'Deen-Ilahi' and 'Zul-e-Kul' exemplify his religious tolerance.
 - Deen-Ilahi - Divine faith Zul-e-Kul peace and harmony among all faiths

Constitution and Secularism The word 'Secular' is not mentioned in our Constitution adopted in 1950.  Later, in 1976, the 42nd Amendment to the Constitution of India introduced the word 'non-religious' in the Preamble was added.

 The freedom of religion guaranteed in the Constitution of India is granted not only to the citizens of the country but also to foreigners living in India.  This has been pointed out by the Hon'ble Supreme Court in Ratilal v. State of Bombay, 1954

The 19th-century Anda temple at Juraho has replaced the traditional peak with a Hindu-style rum, a Jain canopy, a Buddhist stupa and an Islamic-style viradam.  Special Elements of Anthiya Constitution

 The State does not identify itself with any religion (a) and is not controlled by religion.  |  The State guarantees the right of everyone to follow any religion of his choice.

 Govt does not give preferential treatment in any case.. to any person because of his religious belief. No discrimination.  Constitutional Divisions
 Section 15 : Religion, Race, Caste, Sex or Nationality

Section 16: Equality of opportunity in public employment.  Article 25(1): Adopt, practice and propagate any religion The right provides.

  Article 26 : Freedom to administer religious affairs.

 Article 27: State to support any particular religionNo citizen shall be coerced.  

Section 28: Non-participation in religious instruction or religious worship in certain educational institutions The right to exist.  

Section 29 (2) : Prohibition of discrimination in government aided educational institutions.

 Akbar's Tomb Sikandar (Near Agra) -
 Akbar insisted that elements from various religions, including Islam and Hinduism, be included in his tomb.

Civics is the study of the government of a country and the rights and obligations of the people.  The word 'citizen' (ptizen) is derived from the Latin word 'Civis'.  It means 'resident' of the city-states of ancient Romapuri. City-state system: later the word is used to mean 'member of the state'. Kurumagan - Definition

Legal rights and privileges granted by a government

A citizen of the country is one who enjoys and at the same time fulfills the obligations of respecting the laws of the country.  A citizen stays in that country for as long as he wants

Citizenship – Definition

Granting the right of legal abode.  Types of Citizenship

1. Natural Citizenship: Acquired by natural birth Citizenship.

2. Natural Citizenship : Citizenship applied for and obtained by default.  Acquisition of Indian citizenship

The Citizenship of India Act, 1955 lays down the provisions regarding the acquisition and revocation of citizenship by an Indian citizen.  The Act lays down five steps for acquiring Indian citizenship.
1. Acquisition of citizenship by birth

Children born in India between January 26, 1950 and July 1, 1987 acquire citizenship by birth, regardless of the nationality of their parents.  + Born in India on and after 1st July 1987 of the child One of the parents was Indian at that time Must be a citizen.

  Persons born in India on and after 3rd December, 2004, both of whose parents are citizens of India (a) acquire citizenship if one of the parents is a citizen of India and the other is not an illegal immigrant.

2. Acquisition of citizenship by descent If born abroad between 26th January 1950 and before 10th December 1992 but his father is a citizen of India, he acquires citizenship of India by descent.

Those born abroad on and after 10 December 1992 acquire Indian citizenship if one of their parents is an Indian citizen at that time.  People born abroad after 3 December 2004 cannot become citizens of Indian origin unless their birth is registered with an Indian embassy within one year.

3. Acquisition of citizenship by registration
A person of Indian origin may acquire citizenship by registration in any country (a) resident outside undivided India;  A person married to an Indian citizen by registration Must have resided in India for seven years prior to applying. 

4.Natural Citizenship An Indian who is not a citizen of any country in which he resides Natural citizenship to avoid becoming a citizen of a countryis provided.  If a person renounces his foreign citizenship, he is granted naturalized citizenship.

If a person is resident in India (a) is in Indian Government service (a) remains in India throughout the year In case he gets this citizenship.

A person of good character and adequate knowledge of any of the languages ​​mentioned in the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution of India is eligible for this citizenship.  Also, a person seeking citizenship by naturalization

Citizenship by having ordinarily resided in India for 12 years Should also fulfill all the qualifications in Schedule 3 of the Act.

5. Citizenship acquired by annexation of territories When any foreign territory annexes to India, the Government of India accepts the people of that territory as Indian citizens.

When Pondicherry acceded to India, the Indian government granted Amma Indian citizenship in 1962 India.

Voluntary Renunciation of Citizenship)

If a person acquires the citizenship of a foreign country, that Indian citizenship is renounced by him.

TERMINATION OF CITIZENSHIP (STATUTORY PROCEEDING) If an Indian citizen voluntarily acquires foreign citizenship, his Indian citizenship is automatically terminated.

Denial of citizenship (forced termination)

Fraud, misrepresentation (a) Const

Indian citizenship by acting abroad

The Government of India decrees that one acquires citizenship

causes loss

5 Nationality: The status naturally acquired by a particular national by descent, birth and race. is called : legal For procedures subject to A na By the resident government separate A to the person What is offered is 'Drink is called

A person can change his nationality to citizenship to changeCan not.

Single citizenship

The single citizenship given to us by the Constitution of India is called 'Citizenship of India'.  All Indian citizens wherever they are born in India

All citizens regardless of state of political residence, and enjoy civil rights.  In order of precedence the President is the first citizen of the country will be

Dual citizenship

Federal countries such as the United States of America and Switzerland offer dual citizenship.  One is national citizenship and the other is state citizenship.

Non Resident Indian (NRI) These are Indian citizens living abroad with an Indian passport.

PIO-Person of Indian Origin

A citizen of Indian origin is a person who has acquired citizenship of a foreign country (except Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Afghanistan, China, Nepal) with ancestors who are citizens of India.  From 9 January 2015 the PIO system was withdrawn by the Government of India and merged with the OCI system.

Overseas Citizen of India Card Holder (OCI-Overseas Citizen of India Card Holder)

A foreign citizen of Indian origin (except Pakistan, Bangladesh) who obtains an OCI card to live and work in India indefinitely does not have the right to vote in India.


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